
Woot Woot!! We are back again with HacktoberFest 2k19

Pramesh Jain
~ 4 min read

After organizing a successful HacktoberFest in 2018 at WebMob Technologies in a collaborative partnership with DigitalOcean and Dev.to, it’s been a privilege and honor to organize HacktoberFest once again in 2019 at our company.

What is HacktoberFest?

You are wondering about it? Right..!
Why it’s in October?
What exactly do we do in this fest?
What purpose is it for?
Uhh, lots of questions in mind…!

So, join me for an excursion to HacktoberFest 2019 and understand what it is, and what we do to make it successful!

The month of October is ethically celebrated by the Open-Source Community around the globe with many glorified events organized to share the knowledge back to fellow community members all around the globe. “As we all know sharing is caring!”


Kaboom..!! Surprisingly last year 267 events were organized in over 50 countries around the globe. Now you might not ignore such a super-active, super-colossal community, isn’t it?

What a remarkable month it might have been! But it doesn’t stop here!! Because it seems like this year’s record-breaking events are being organized everywhere!


Finally this year the thought to devise something new and different while celebrating the month-long fest by inviting our new interns to the fest, as this was the best way to welcome them into the company which would make them feel comfortable with the atmosphere of our work with some good food and fun activities along with exploring the new horizons of technology with our tech gurus.

Domains we covered this year:

  1. Git & GitHub
  2. How to hack
  3. Automation
  4. Cloud computing
HacktoberFest event

Oops..! I’m a writer and don’t know how to work with these technologies. Don’t worry our super cool and smart colleagues are always there behind us to guide our newbies and to get them out of any apocalypse haha… Just kidding!

Hell yeah, how can we forget to mention that we also had a very interactive and delicious lunchtime together!

Then we had an amazing live quiz session on telegram where a group of four where made and the winners were presented with some cool goodies at the end of the day.


Games Time! Guess Who?

This was the most mind-blowing brainstorming game in which the room was interactive and cheering each other on their right guesses. Trust me we all had a beautiful time together sharpening our brain

Finally, It’s Showtime Now!

After having a fun time now the groups were given some challenging projects to perform which is the main part of HacktoberFest 2019.

Finally, the day ended up so quickly with a combination of coding with tea and snacks. But honestly speaking, a lot of knowledge was shared and gained as it was a two-way interactive event. And we hope that we come up with this event again in 2020, nowhere else but at Webmob Technologies.

Till then stay-tuned and see you again next year! Good-bye and good luck!!

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2019CodingDigitaloceanGithubHackathonHacktoberfestOpen source