11 Most Popular Web App Frameworks to Use in 2024

Summary: Web apps have grown leaps and bounds. With the onset of PWAs, eCommerce, CMS, etc., have made the space more apt. Today, every one wants to be among the users with the best online venture. And for that one needs to have an excellent blend of tech stacks. A very integral part of it is the frameworks. So, today, in this blog, we will talk about the best web app frameworks of 2024.
If you are someone who is about to indulge in a web app, then integrate one of these frameworks for a great outcome. Dive in the blog and know the popular web advances for your project!
Web frameworks are the crux to make an interactive app for users. Backend and frontend both are managed well with the right choice of frameworks. Netflix, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., have been popular because of their tech stacks.
To give a great user experience, you have to look into the trending frameworks for web app. As per a report, the most used ones are Nodejs with 42.65%, React with 40.58%, followed by jQuery, Express, Angular, etc.

Source: Statista
Why is There so much Stress to Use a Good Web Framework?
As an expert in the web app development field, we will explain to you the benefits of choosing a right framework for your project. We have been in the IT arena for over 13+ years. Our team of experts who curated the blog have hands down expertise of 5+ years. So, now, let’s clear the air for you!
What will you do if you get every tech need in one place? You will go for it, right?! Frameworks are a blend of tools and libraries and help to keep the UI in sync. They give a foundation of a pre-built structure that allows an expert to create an SDLC in less time. Thus, it also helps to focus on features to make a user experience intuitive online.
It facilitates front end to create responsive UI to interact well with users and manage data flow at ease. And for the back end, they give a framework for server side logic, database, and other related server tasks.

Now, let’s get into 11 popular web app frameworks and know about them in detail.
11 Most Popular Web App Frameworks of 2024
#1 Node.js

The JS ecosystem has given the world a handful of gems. And one of them is Nodejs. With the Chrome V8 engine, it allowed experts to develop server side app. It handles HTTP requests at ease and is great to create a real time app. Node.js is a lightweight and efficient choice to build a scalable app.
Netflix, Uber, eBay, PayPal, Walmart, etc., are the best examples of Node.js. It has been a best support to build real time apps with a concept of chatbots, games, streaming service, etc.
The web app has also become popular worldwide over the past 5 years. Here is a graph that shows its popularity in real time.

Source: Google Trends
Key Features:-
- Event driven: It uses non blocking I/O model for maximum efficacy. And so it can easily handle many simultaneous requests at a time. Thus, is an ideal choice to create real time apps and APIs.
- JS ecosystem: It is built on the V8 Chrome engine, which makes it work on both the front and back end. It allows the reuse of code and saves time to create complex apps.
- Large community: Nodejs has a vast ecosystem and is an open source tech. It has the best modules and packages that help maintain Nodejs apps easily.
If you want a real-time app with improved productivity, then opt for Nodejs.
#2 React

React the renowned name has never let us down. Since 2013, it has been constantly evolving and allowed an expert to build interactive and modern interface. It has gained popularity as the frontend framework for web app development projects due to its ease of use for full stack. And thus, gives an expert a robust ecosystem.
React is said to be the most popular tech skills in the JS ecosystem as per a report from Statista. It is a reliable stack to build and run the best apps for 2024.

Source: Statista
As Facebook is the backbone of all its updates, there is no doubt that React is the best tech stack of 2024. React has been all around with its popularity and features. Its growth has lured many experts on a global scale.
Key Features:-
- Reusable components: React experts have the facility to break down a complex UI into components. It helps them to reuse such components to build other parts of the app.
- JSX advances: With JSX, React allows to create a new feature for a specific project. You can also see the changes as and when made in real time.
- Virtual DOM: Virtual DOM is the best feature that boosts the performance of a React app. The system is set, a DOM is used by default, and it re-renders one when needed.
- One way data binding: The info flows in a React app one way. Such a data bind has less errors and bugs. Thus, it makes the work of an expert simple.
PayPal, Uber, and Instagram are some of the best use cases of React. It has a vast community that helps to build SEO friendly app. The JS ecosystem has the most flexible and compatible tech in the form of React. If you want to make a single page app or a enterprise grade app than you should go for a React app.
#3 jQuery

It is the best, old, fast, and precise JS library. About 74.74% of top 10k sites earn profits that use jQuery. The 2006 tech is popular because it has rich features. It is a bridge between JS code and HTML elements that help streamline online interactions. jQuery is also compatible with cross browsers.
The JS library has vast number of built in plugins and functions that helps to handle varied SDLC tasks. jQuery also handles CSS animations and Ajax calls with API across the browsers. And thus, it builds intutive web pages in less time.
Key Features:-
- Manipulates DOM: One can select, traverse, and modify their content easily. jQuery does this with the help of .attr(), .html(), etc., which can work across every browser.
- HTML events: jQuery has a lot of ways to make a web page interact with users. Add class, send data to server, etc., with just a click, which makes it easy to navigate in the app. Also, an expert binds and unbinds event handlers with jQuery easily.
- Extend with plugins: With so many jQuery plugins, it is very easy to extend one’s app services. Dynamic lists, XML and XSTL tools, etc., are some of the best plugins that help to create web apps faster.
- CSS animation & Ajax support: It uses HTML, CSS, JS, and Ajax to create animations like Flash. jQuery is the best in animation effects that builds a robust web app.
Twitter, Uber, and Udemy are the best examples of jQuery. Experts use it if they have to create browse compatible or Ajax based app. Apart from this, jQuery is also used because it gives fast loading pages with SEO friedly UI-UX. Also, it is very easy to learn and build apps with the tech.
#4 Express.js

It is a lightweight and fast server side framework. The Node.js back end web stack gives the best API support. It is used on a global scale to build immersive enterprise apps with great features and functions. The tech also allows an expert to create REST API with ease. In the tech field, Nodejs and Reactjs are both equally looked upon. In that case, Expressjs is used by 19.28% of professionals globally as of 2023.
Of course, its demand will increase with time. With its templates and cache tactics, it might be used more by experts. That does not make it less reliable, as it does give you a scalable and robust SDLC.

Source: StackOverflow
Key Features:-
- Potential to cach: It reduces the load time of a site and thus avoids the need to re-execute the code constantly.
- Middleware support: To swiftly develop Node.js based applications and reliable APIs, this framework offers a middleware structure and other HTTP utility methods.
- HTML templates: It is very easy to design HTML pages with EJS, Jade, Plug, etc.
Myntra, MySpace, and GoDaddy are some of the best examples of Express. It is used when one has to build a real time app, RESTful API app, on demand app, and eCommerce.
Express.js is very easy to learn, scalable, and has a low cost of SDLC built. Also, the tech has a huge and active community that backs it up with updates.
#5 Angular

In 2010, the tech was named Angular.js, but after that, experts rewrote it in 2016. Since then, it has come to be known as Angular. The JS framework has its fan base. It allows an expert to create an app that is great at performance and is able to curate best large scale apps. It is also great at SPAs, as it builds great web pages for mobile and desktops.
There are 393,262 Angular sites across the online world. Yes, the number is huge. Oh, we are not saying it without proof! Look at the graph below.
As per a recent post in Nov 2023, Angular has brought in some new advances. It has become 90% faster with intuitive built in control flow. And deferrable views; also, it has improved its built time and gives a hybrid rendering facility.
Source: Twitter
Typescript makes the use of Angular extra special when it comes to enterprise apps. The tech is hard to learn and is a heavyweight framework.
Key Features:-
- Two way data binding: The boiler plate code helps to reduce the SDLC time. It imparts a great sync between model and view layers. Thus, any change in UI will be directly reflected in the backend and vice versa.
- Templates: The HTML tags in these templates make the code reusability easy, which in turn results in fast SDLC.
- Open source library: Angular Material and AgGrid are two of the most popular open source libraries that helps to create responsive UIs. And there are many such libraries like it in the tech stack.
- Angular CLI: It is the best command line to create, scaffold, and maintain a web app.
- Supports tools: It is great with Firefox and Chrome Dev tools that helps to debug an app at ease. It also has variety of third party libraries.
The tech performs great with cross platforms too and has the many open source libraries. The complex projects are also achieved in time with fast development.
#6 Vue.js

Who is the biggest competitor of Angular and React? Vuejs. The invention of the web app stack was done because of the constant urge of a better UI to the users across the online spectrum. It is indeed one of the best frameworks of progressive web apps. As per a recent report, in 2024 Vuejs is used by many high traffic sites.

Source: w3Techs
Key Features:-
- Virtual DOM: It enhances the app’s efficacy as Vue exactly knows which part of DOM needs to be re-rendered and which one will remain intact.
- CLI: It helps to scaffold and prototype an app in real time. As a result, an SDLC is made in less time.
- Two way data binding: Any change done in UI will be directly reflected in the device and vice versa.
Grammarly, Alibaba, and Xiaomi are the best examples of Vue.js. It is best advised to create PWAs as well as SPAs with Vue. The tech is known for its lightweight, flexible, and fast SDLC development. And it also has an active community that helps to update and resolve errors in Vue in real time.
#7 Flask

Flask is a Python stack which is also known as microframework. It does not have any tools or libraries by default. The web app framework is a simple and extensible tech that let’s an expert add libraries and plugins that one supports. The new tech is growing leaps and bounds since its invention.
Flask is said to build modern and scalable apps among all the other Python advances. The tech comes in handy with a lot of APIs. It is small and less complex to carry out great projects in time. It also supports a full stack development at ease.
Key Features:-
- Built in server: The built in WSGI server has an intuitive debugger which allows an expert to execute Python code directly into the browser. Flask does it when there is an unknown and sudden error during a request.
- WSGI templates: Flask has a WSGI toolkit that helps compatible web apps and Jinja2 to build templates.
- Easy dispatch of RESTful API: Flask builds a RESTful API quickly. It removes HTTP boilerplate code and effectively manages both HTTP and RESTful query.
- Simple and modern: It is very easy to setup web servers with Flask. It has simple packages and bundles that help to set up explicitly.
Airbnb, Pinterest, and Twilio, are some of the popular Flask tech ventures. It is scalable, flexible, and above all very fast to implement in less time. And is easy to learn which makes it a preferable choice to build SDLC in time.
#8 Django

Django is another of the best Python techs that is all over the market for its highly scalable web app. It is the best web app framework, which works well with client side needs. Django is used in any format like HTML, JSON, and XML. It is used to create clean and precise design. It is the best to create great API features lile naive GraphQL integrates.
As compared to others Django is less popular in the web tech world. The 2022, Stackoverflow survey has last given us an insight of the framework. It was used by 14.65% of experts across the world. Thus, among others now it has become less popular, because other techs are upgraded on timely basis as compared to this one.
Key Features:-
- Security: By default, Django helps experts ro prevent a number of security flaws caused by popular web attacks like XSS, CSRF, etc.
- Scalable: Django’s ability to reuse code and provide caching makes it scalable. It also enables the program to effectively manage enormous traffic volumes.
- Asynchronous programming: This framework, which is based on the Model-View-Template architecture and runs on top of Python, enables both reactive and asynchronous programming. One can also use it in any environment.
- Battery included: It frees one to start from scratch. An expert does not have to code in order to add capabilities. It saves a lot of time, that allows experts to focus on other areas of the SDLC.
Instagram, Mozilla, OpenStack, etc., are some of the examples of Django. It creates an SEO supportive, rapid app, with versatile CMS, and an active community.
#9 Ruby on Rails

A server side app framework that follows MVC architecture pattern. It uses JSON or XML to transfer data and HTML, CSS, and JS for UI. In the top features of RoR, it migrates data, routes RESTful API, and also scaffolds to help craft best database on time.
Key Features:-
- Vast libraries: It has all that an expert needs. Right from AJAX tools, database access, etc., RoR has many ready to use libraries.
- Scaffold: It lets the experts define their database functionality. And then it automates the required code in the next iteration. Thus, a user can create many interfaces at a time.
- Active record: RoR is based on the powerful Active Record library, which facilitates the creation of database interaction queries by developers.
GitHub, Groupon, and Shopify are the popular examples of Ruby on Rails. It is best used to create online stores with a great purchase option. RoR is a cost effective and flexible stack with enhanced productivity of experts. And great community that helps grow the tech in the right way possible.
#10 MeteorJS

It helps in a great prototype that works across the mobile, desktop, and web platforms. With the help of Galaxy, the expert can easily scale up, deploy, and monitor apps. As per BuiltWith, there are 30k sites that are built with Meteorjs. It is still a growing JS framework.
Key Features:-
- Meteor cloud: The cloud services of Meteorjs helps to host, organize, and deploy an app well in time. Apart from it, Meteor has access to Atmosphere, Meteor APM, and Galaxy Hosting from one dashboard.
- SDLC ecosystem: It has great tools to safeguard and speed up the SDLC. MeteorJS has open source IDevE to build real time web apps. Right from setup to configuring an API the process is smoothly performed in the tech.
- Integrated database: M ongoDB nad Minimongo database helps to support JS datasets at ease. You can execute updates more easily and reload webpages more quickly with the aid of Mongo API.
Rocket Chat, IKEA, Honeywell, etc., are some of the best Meteor.js apps. For a real time app, experts go for MeteorJS as the data templates update fast and thus, updates the data instantly. The community also supports one and helps one out as per the query an expert gets online. Also, the tech has proper docs to guide a new comer through the stack use. It is very easy to learn and convert web apps into mobile apps with MeteorJS.
#11 Spring

Spring is the best solution for the ones who want to make JS enterprise apps. It allows facilities like easy to test, reuse web apps with other JS frameworks, and is high in performance. Spring is small in terms of size and is a transparent stack. It has brought in the new concept of Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) to reduce overall SDLC time and resources.
Key Features:-
- IoC container: It helps streamline and configure Java objects 7 thus, have a great lifecycle of Java objects. Even in the runtime, the objects are given a lookup pattern to maintain proper inversion of control.
- Data access framework: In Spring the data access is done with the help of JDBC, Hibernate, Java Persistence API (JPA), etc. It also manages resources well and has great handling skills.
- Manage transactions: Users can work with local, nested, and global transactions with it. Experts can now create a feature rich transactional system. It improves transaction management across web apps.
Trivago, Cred, Paytm, etc., are the best online apps made with Spring. The lightweight and flexible web app framework has a lot of pre-defined templates that helps to create a robust SDLC. It is great to develop asynchronous and event driven apps in no time with Spring.

Let’s Build With an Apt Web App Framework!
Undoubtedly, JS rocks the web app world. Every tech stack born from it creates a history in the online world. Web app frameworks are the crux to deploy an SDLC fast. And also they have many benefits too. Some of them, as we state boldly, are:-
- Scalable
- SEO friendly
- Dynamic and modern
- Easy to upgrade
- Easy to modify changes
- Feature rich
These are some of the benefits that help an expert build the best web app online. As a front end stack one may use advances like React, Angular, or Vue. While for back end stack, one uses Django, Flask, or Ruby-on-rails. Thus, frameworks can build the most complex apps in real time.
If you are in search of services for web app development, then do contact us. We will help you to figure out the best framework for your app. Ideation to execution, we have the hands down expertise to deliver a solution as per your needs. Get a free quote from our experts, book an appointment today!
Which frameworks are the best for web apps?
Reactjs, Ndejs, Expressjs, Vue, Angular, Django, Nextjs, Ruby-on-rails, are some of the top web app frameworks to use for your project.
What is the future of web apps?
PWAs are the best invention that has happened to web apps world. It speeds up the loading time of a page and allows offline function in apps like Google Maps.
How should you choose the best web app framework for your project?
It all depends on what are your needs? Features and functionality decide your framework. A framework is the brain that aligns your front end and back end in a great way. You just need to hire web app developers who are good to build and update your app 24*7.